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Plottr v1.0.8 (Paid) APK

Plotting your novel on the go
Title: Plottr
Genre: Productivity
Developer: C Louis S

Plottr is the easiest tool for plotting stories that you’ll ever use, now on mobile! The Plottr desktop app makes it easy to visually plot out multiple plot lines in your story so you can go from idea to Chapter 1 faster.

Now you can write down those ideas whenever you think of them. No need to remember them until you make it to your computer.

Do everything with the desktop app on the mobile app except for viewing the timeline (only for tablet apps). Start new Plottr files, or open your existing files from iCloud/Dropbox/Google Drive/etc.

What people are saying:

“Plottr is an amazing program that has become an integral part of my … process” – Celia

“Holy smokes! This is the tool I’ve been longing for.” – Austin

“This is an excellent, elegant piece of software.” -Danny

“… a fantastic piece of software that has replaced 6 of my other software programs.” -John


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The first release of Plottr! It’s finally here
