PlantSnap – Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees v2.00.12 [Paid] APK [Latest]

PlantSnap – Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees v2.00.12 [Paid] APK [Latest]




Instantly identify plants of all kinds, anywhere in the world! Flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms and more can be quickly recognized with PlantSnap by, the mobile app built to help you identify flowers, plants & trees in a snap.

PlantSnap’s huge database covers everywhere on earth so you can identify plants instantly, wherever you are!

With our latest update, It is now free to download! Try snapping a plant, flower or tree for free and have your photos instantly recognized by our always-growing algorithm, no waiting required. Learn fascinating information on the world around you like names, location & more for free!

Simply take a picture of the plant you’ve found in nature, at the gardening store or wherever you are, anywhere in the world, and PlantSnap will tell you what plant it is in seconds.

With PlantSnap, you can reconnect to the natural world around you and learn about nearby plants, or browse our gallery to discover new and exotic plants all across the globe. Whether you find peace and mindfulness from hiking, or if you are interested in studying nature, It has the resources and technology you need.

It is powered by deep learning and artificial intelligence and is changing the game for plant identification. Our plant database is global and always provides results instantaneously. PlantSnap will recognize many of plants or trees that you encounter, helping any amateur or skilled botany enthusiast identify on the go.

PlantSnap Features:
Identify Plants by Picture
• Identify trees and other plants by snapping a picture!
• Identify flowers, trees and other plants by plugging their picture into our Plant Database

Plant Database & Learning Algorithms
• 500,000 plants are currently in our database
• PlantSnap recognizes plants, flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms, cacti and more… covering ALL plants across planet Earth!
• Identify flowers and plants with our machine-learning algorithm, which can recognize at least 2000 new plant species per month
• PlantSnap will update automatically for you every time we add a new plant species, no additional fees required!

Companion Site
• Identify plants on your mobile, and your saved collection will be available on the web
• Flower, tree or other plant photos can be uploaded on the web and available on your mobile device
• Explore nature on mobile, then investigate more on your computer at home!

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Use PlantSnap for:
• Flower identification
• Identify trees
• Identify leaves
• Mushroom Identification
• Identify Succulents, Cactus & more

Discover the World Around You
• Reconnect with the outside world. Rediscover nature with the help of a botanist in your pocket.
• Gamify your hikes with friends and family! PlantSnap lets you build a library of every plant, tree or flower you’ve snapped. See how many you can collect!
• Get some fresh air and improve your mood! PlantSnap connects the divide between technology and nature.
• Connecting to nature can be good for mindfulness or spirituality. Whether you’re an avid hiker on the trails or a botanist in a garden, quickly gain knowledge of the plants around you.

Quickly identify plants, flowers, trees and more. Have instant access to a huge Plant Database that is constantly learning and adding information on new plant species.

Download PlantSnap and enjoy identifying flowers, trees and plants on the go!

PlantSnap is free to download and try. After trying the app, you can view ads to keep snapping or subscribe for $2.99/mo or $19.99/year for an ad-free experience.

✿✿ For best results, be sure to watch our instructional photo-taking video. ✿✿
**Please check your email after registering for more detailed information.**

We’re looking to make PlantSnap better every day! Share your feedback in our reviews to let us know what you’d like to see next.


PlantSnap 2.0 is here! We’ve overhauled the app to give you an even better experience. Updates include:
– All new UI: We’ve streamlined Plantsnap to give you a faster, better experience.
– Explore map: View plant locations nearby or worldwide on a map.
– Inbox: Send photos for manual identification by a botanist, and receive confirmation once identified.


  • PlantSnap Pro - Identify Plants, Flowers & Trees Screenshot
  • PlantSnap Pro - Identify Plants, Flowers & Trees Screenshot
  • PlantSnap Pro - Identify Plants, Flowers & Trees Screenshot
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PlantSnap – Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees v2.00.12 [Paid] APK (13.5 MB) / Mirror

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