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Pictail – RETRO v1.5.3.0 (Paid) APK

Analogue camera vibes with retro filters
With light effects for vintage photos
Title: Pictail – RETRO
Genre: Photography
Developer: JP Brothers, Inc.

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A cocktail-themed camera app series, Pictail
Take photos and videos with filters sweet like a cocktail
Pictail is easy to use for selfies, videos, and scenic photos

Main Functions
– Real-time beautification for amazing selfies
– High resolution camera
– Unlimited videos with Pictail filters
– Full screen, 3:4, 1:1 ratio camera
– Edit photos from your album with Pictail filters

– Camera: permissions for shooting photos and videos
– Mic: permissions for shooting videos
– Gallery: permissions for saving and managing photos and videos
– Location: permissions for adding location info to photo detail


5sv8GkIj8UVAeYPl ndUGHMXhTYIFih5yX26b7ppnzHOfoLFYWhEiIv7fUNskvlYnNMlzb007zTtzTlDFcZc HjMNUBHU5li6GLW1JTpi7TBgX21MX3P8Gn 17J1JrEILYiAdE


+ Fixed bug in filter strength UI.
