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PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) v4.07 APK [Latest]

PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) v4.07 APK [Latest]

PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) v4.07 APK [Latest]

PascalGUI (Pascal compiler)

PascalGUI is a GUI/small-IDE for arm-linux freepascal compiler. You can write your own applications on the Android phone, and run them. This app uses Freepascal compiler, so it is full-featured. PascalGUI can be used for educational purposes or to practice in Pascal language.

Some components of PascalGUI are GPL-licensed, their source code hadn’t been modified. You can download used source code of Freepascal on Freepascal SVN.
(If you think that there is GPL violation in PascalGUI, email me at [email protected] I’ll provide to you source code from Freepascal SVN, if you can’t download it yourself =))
PascalGUI includes Android Terminal Emulator so you can to run your application as good as you running it on your Linux PC.
Quick manual:
If you have found a bug or app is not working, email me.
Result of compilation (binary) is placed in “/data/data/com.n0n3m4.droidpascal/files/temp”, because sdcard doesn’t have permission for execution by default.
Long click save button to “save as”, long click run to run with arguments, long click open for recent files menu.


  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) Screenshot
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) Screenshot
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) Screenshot
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) Screenshot
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) Screenshot
[appbox googleplay ]


PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) v4.07 APK / Mirror [arm]

PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) v4.07 APK / Mirror [x86]