Parasite Infection [r1.3]

Parasite Infection
is a sexually explicit game dealing with multiple niche fetishes. It is currently a text and picture adventure game being developed in Twine.​

Thread Updated: 2023-09-14
Release Date: 2023-09-13
Developer: Anon Smith – Patreon
Censorship: No
Version: r1.3
OS: Android
Language: English

[Part 4] Added notifications of doing the harvesting action in the harem member viewer page
[Part 2+] Added naked Chloe colored vaginal werm parasites image links
[Sex acts] Corrected colored breasts starfish infestation image layering for antari and human
[Sex acts] Added colored parasites image links for breast penetration act
[Part 2] Added neck choker, mouth canal, breasts starfish (large and normal) colored parasites image links for Linda
[Part 2] Added neck choker, mouth canal colored parasites image links for Nurse and mouth canal, neck choker, breasts starfish, vagina canal colored parasites image links for Chloe in Nurse interaction/visit page
[Part 2] Added breast starfish (large and normal), neck choker, vagina canal and mouth canal colored parasites image links for Tracie
[Part 2] Added breast starfish, neck choker and mouth canal colored parasites image links for infested Claire
[Part 1+] Added D+ breast sizes image links for MC in a jumpsuit
[Part 1] Added large breasts image link for “Scientist”, “Secretary/Admin”, “Comm Officer”, Rene
[Part 4] Entering the “Create other parasites” page now automatically collects all of the fluids from the character that is currently occupied
[Part 4] Added harvest switcher in the harem page. Now can harvest also fluids from the harem list page
[Part 2] Added Robyn starfish colored parasite variant image links on large breasts
[Part 2] Added Quinn large breast image links. Now colored starfish images for large breasts are used
[Part 2] Added Julie large belly image links for suit gestation situation. Previous belly images are moved to egg incubation situation
[Part 4] Fixed bug occurrence where doing a fast color mutation did not consume intended fluid type
[Part 1+] Returned the birthing functionality of all colored types of the werm parasite
[Part 4] Fixed Spiir fight progression for gaining them as a harem member
[Part 4] Fixed the hospital infection sequence. Now the “Artificial Womb Room” can accessed after infecting the hospital
[Part 4] Increased trap chance by 3 times than it was before. Increased the minimal trap chance of all parasites to at least be able to do an infestation
[Part 4] Fixed passage change to another passage occurrences when doing a solo parasite color mutation in the “Parasite Conversion” passage
[Part 2] The image on the “A Bright Light” passage is now clickable to access the next passage
[Part 2] Removed text-only cyan parasite conversion options to visual clickable options in Sanctum
[Part 1] Removed text-only cyan parasite conversion options to visual clickable options in Surgery Room
[Part 1] Fixed undefined line of text when doing the seduction sequence with the scientist
[Part 4+] Added grayed out button images for the parasite conversion unavailable actions

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