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Open Camera v1.46 APK

App to donate, if you like my apps.
Title: Donation for Mark Harman
Genre: Tools
Developer: Mark Harman

If you like my Open Source apps such as Open Camera, please help support development by buying this donation app.

Please keep the donate app installed for at least 24 hours – otherwise Google may do an automatic refund. The app itself doesn’t do anything.


(Note that Vibrance HDR and Hexabots are supported by ads, there’s no need to donate for them.)

[Store icon: The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.]


v19gBRIdVqf02H9Pf 9Y9h5qk4D1UWPXp24rfiI4Wt K6 DJDhksEM9Sg mj42u9XEE


Updated comment to say 24 hours instead of 20 minutes (automatic refunds can happen even after 2 hours or more).

Thanks for donating!
