In “Nomadic Journey,” follow the life of James Macsen, a determined man who achieves his dream of becoming a millionaire through hard work. Now the proud owner of his own successful company, James yearns for a break from his responsibilities, embarking on a nomadic lifestyle. As he travels the world, seeking thrilling adventures and meaningful connections, James discovers that true wealth lies not only in material riches but also in the experiences and relationships he cultivates.โ
In “Nomadic Journey,” follow the life of James Macsen, a determined man who achieves his dream of becoming a millionaire through hard work. Now the proud owner of his own successful company, James yearns for a break from his responsibilities, embarking on a nomadic lifestyle. As he travels the world, seeking thrilling adventures and meaningful connections, James discovers that true wealth lies not only in material riches but also in the experiences and relationships he cultivates.โ
Thread Updated: 2024-12-29
Release Date: 2024-12-29
Developer: Disguised Dino – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 3
OS: Android
Language: English
Chapter 3
– Brand new Chapter 3 added .