Niagara Launcher ‧ fresh/clean v1.13.0 [Pro][Mod Extra][Lite]

Niagara Launcher ‧ fresh/clean v1.13.0 [Pro][Mod Extra][Lite]
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: A minimalist productivity launcher. One hand-friendly. Zero ads.

Niagara Launcher ‧ fresh/clean v1.13.0 [Pro][Mod Extra][Lite] Image

Niagara Launcher gives your phone a whole new look and offers a minimalistic experience to help you to form a healthy relationship with your phone. You also get to experience the latest and greatest features of Android 10, including smart replies and dark mode.

Top reasons to use Niagara Launcher:

All apps in a simplified list · You just need to scroll either of the edges on the launcher to get access to all of your apps instantly.

Interact with notifications right on the home screen · Unlike most other launchers, Niagara Launcher gives you essential information about received messages at a glance and directly on your home screen. Swiping on a notification expands it and lets you reply quickly.

Ergonomic efficiency · Niagara Launcher is optimized for one hand usage. Your apps are always within reach and the scrollbar can be used from both sides.

Lightweight & fast · Niagara Launcher is not only lightweight to your phone’s resources, but at just a few megabytes in size, the app takes up very little space. Next to simplicity, fluidity is one of the most important aspects of Niagara Launcher.

Media Player · Music controls automatically show up on your home screen when they’re needed, too – anytime you’re playing audio from an app.

Theming · Niagara Launcher pulls colors from your wallpaper for a nice thematic effect. Additionally, you can choose between a light or dark theme. Icon packs are supported as well – you can even apply an icon of your choice to each app individually.

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Hide unwanted Apps · Hide all pre-installed bloatware, to get a clean and tidy home screen.

❏ Mod info:
◉ Pro Unlocked
◉ Use any other Weather Widget app, Its own weather widget won’t work
◉ Optimized Graphics & Resources;
◉ Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
◉ Niagara Analytics (Send Usage & Error Reports) Disabled (Enabled by Default in Original);
◉ Manifest and APK root path cleaned;
◉ Google Update Nag Disabled / Removed;
◉ Google Play Store install package check disabled;
◉ Google Play Services signature check verified;
◉ Google Play Billing / Analytics Disabled;
◉ Debug code removed including .sources Tags;
◉ Original package signature changed;
★ Modded By RBMods

★ Mod Lite:
• based on Mod Extra
• Cleaned Resources
• En Only Language
• 9 MB
• Compression Flags Untouched
★ Modded By RBMods

What’s New:
Niagara Launcher v1.13.0 · Winter Update

Reduce unwanted phone use with our latest digital well-being feature, find out about recent company changes, and how to seamlessly switch devices

This app has credit advertisements

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Mod Extra:


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