Musify v9.0.5 [GitHub]

Musify v9.0.5 [GitHub]
Requirements: 7.0 and up
Overview: Unlock the full potential of music: Stream effortlessly with one app!

Musify v9.0.5 [GitHub]

Musify is an app for streaming music. Its features include:
* Online Song Search With Suggestions
* Streaming Support
* Offline listening Support
* Import & Export Your Data And Never Lose It
* Add Custom Playlists With Link
* Optimized Sound Experience
* Lyrics Support
* No Ads
* No Subscriptions
* 17 Supported Languages
* Material UI & Accent Colors & Dynamic Colors (Android 12+)

What’s New:
– Introduced a client-switching feature to address potential streaming issues. This allows you to seamlessly switch between clients when needed.
– Recommendation: Avoid selecting all available clients simultaneously. Instead, select 2-3 clients for optimal performance during streaming issues, and leave the settings unchanged if no issues arise.

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This app has no advertisements

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arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a + x86_64:


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