Mercurygram (Telegram Client) v10.10.1.0 [GitHub]

Mercurygram (Telegram Client) v10.10.1.0 [GitHub]
Requirements: 4.4+
Overview: Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s superfast, simple and free. This is an unofficial fork of the FOSS-friendly fork of Telegram App for Android.

Mercurygram (Telegram Client) v10.10.1.0 [GitHub]


Add ID in Profile Info

Add a menu in Notifications and Sounds in order to set the UnifiedPush Distributors. The same menu may be longclicked in order to know if UnifiedPush notifications are working correctly.

Add a menu in Notifications and Sounds in order to set UnifiedPush PUT to POST gateway.

Add toggle setting in Chat Settings to start video messages with rear-facing camera

Add toggle setting in Chat Settings to hide keyboard on chat scroll

Add toggle setting in Chat Setting to hide “All Chats” tab (feature from NekoX)

Add toggle setting in Debug Menu to enable Message Details menu

Add toggle setting in Debug Menu to disable Unified Push support

Add toggle setting in Debug Menu to disable Secure Flags. This option must only be used for debugging.

Disabled DOH resolving since this leaks your used proxy to Google and it’s not needed since Android DNS over TLS should be used instead.

Unlock premium app icons for anybody

Large photos are sent (2560px instead of 1280px)

Telegram application icons are replaced with hermes wing (Created by Anthony Ledoux from Noun Project)

From Telegram-FOSS

Replacement of non-FOSS, untrustworthy or suspicious binaries or source code:

Do location sharing with OpenStreetMap(osmdroid) instead of Google Maps

Use Noto emoji set instead of Apple’s emoji

Google Play Services GCM replaced with UnifiedPush

SECURITY: BoringSSL prebuilts are replaced with recent upstream source code built at compile time

SECURITY: FFmpeg prebuilts are replaced with recent upstream source code built at compile time

SECURITY: libvpx prebuilts are replaced with recent upstream source code built at compile time

SECURITY: Bundled libWebP is updated

Removal of non-FOSS, untrustworthy or suspicious binaries or source code and their functionality:

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Google Vision face detection and barcode scanning (Passport)

Google Wallet and Android Pay integration

Google Voice integration

HockeyApp crash reporting and self-updates

Google SMS retrieval

Google ML Kit


Added the ability to parse locations from intents containing a geo:,, string

Force static map previews from Telegram

No content restrictions


In order to have reliable notifications, it may be necessary to set battery optimization to Not optimized for Mercurygram (no, it won’t use more battery).

Background Connections setting is not necessary and uses lot of battery, so please disable it when you use UnifiedPush.

If you set Battery optimization to Not optimized, Keep-Alive Service will be not necessary.

Search dontkillmyapp for more information.

If you can’t/want set Battery optimization to Not optimized and you don’t receive notifications after a while (more than 30 minutes) please enable Keep-Alive Service instead.

What’s New:
Update base

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More Info:

Code: Select all

Download Instructions:

Mirror: … elease.apk

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