Memento Database

Memento Database

Memento Database is a highly flexible and customizable database management tool. Created for anyone seeking to store various data on their Android devices, the software enables users to create custom libraries with unique sets of data fields, quickly add new entries and, finally, share entries with friends or colleagues, or export them to other systems with just a few taps.


• Added ability to open a library template in the online catalog by a link.
• Sign in with Google.
• The dialog to control the Memento account is added.
• Ability to change names for Checkbox field values is added.
• JavaScript: – a unique identifier of an entry, Library.findById(id) – search for an entry by id.
• JavaScript and Calculation fields can now define the color of the entry. The field must return a color in HEX format: #RRGGBB.
• Improved compatibility with Android 8 Oreo.

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  • Memento Database Screenshot
  • Memento Database Screenshot
  • Memento Database Screenshot
[appbox googleplay ]


Memento Database v4.5.11 PRO / Mirror

Memento Database v4.5.10 PRO / Mirror

Memento Database v4.5.6 build 194 PRO / Mirror