Lord of The Lost Island [v0.1]

Set in a fictional world during the early to mid-1900s, the story begins at a prestigious military academy renowned for its brilliance and innovation. As war looms over England, the academy sends its students and young children to escape the conflict. Unfortunately, one plane crashes on a mysterious island, leaving 54 survivors: 17 young men, 17 young women, 10 young boys, and 10 young girls. Play as these survivors as they strive not only to endure but to thrive on this harsh and mysterious island. Uncover the island’s secrets while delving into the drama, romance, and personal stories of these characters.

Lord of The Lost Island is a camp management game where you build and craft buildings and goods for your camp, explore the mysterious lush island to gather resources, ensure the morale and happiness of your survivors, and at the same time, interact with them and explore their stories filled with romance, sex, wholesomeness, dirtiness, and drama.

Thread Updated: 2024-11-30
Release Date: 2024-11-30
Developer: Den000Studio – Patreonย 
Censored: No
Version: 0.1 Prologue
OS: Android
Language: English

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