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Life on Mars [Ch. 1 v0.5]

Life on Mars

At the end of the 24th century, humans succeeded in terraforming Venus and Mars. But just a few decades later, a war broke out when the colonists wanted to gain independence. The War ended in the middle of the 25th century with a peace treaty to end the Solar Federation as well as the sovereignty of Earth. The story begins at the start of the 26th century on Earth. It’s also the 1st century of the new calendar on Mars. The Martians are trying to distinguish themselves from Earth. Our main protagonist is a senator’s assistant. His boss is running for Chancellor this year. One of her promises is to end the legal status of polygamy and polyandry. But what about the main protagonist? Is he also against polygamy and polyandry? His decisions will shape the story of Life on Mars.​

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Thread Updated: 2024-06-16
Release Date: 2024-05-22
Developer: MiZtyl Patreon 
Censored: No
Version: 0.5
OS: Android
Language: English

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