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Lexi v0.04C.2 [MOD] (18+)

Lexi v0.04C.2 [MOD] (18+)
Requirements: 4.4+
Overview: Lexi is an erotic visual novel/ seduction simulator. The game is focused around 3 pursuable main characters with many romantic encounters along the way.

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General Description:
Lexi is an erotic visual novel/ seduction simulator. The game is focused around 3 pursuable main characters with many romantic encounters along the way.

Description of the plot:
You take the persona of an ex MMA fighter who has just been released from rehab. When you return home your wife throws you out. Down on your luck, you take a job as a personal bodyguard. A young girl named Lexi has been receiving threatening and explicit letters; so her mother, a preacher’s wife, has hired you to protect her. But guarding this rebellious teenager and her rambunctious sister, Kaylee, might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Description of the game play:
Game play centers around player choice. The story adapts to the players choices and certain events are only accessible through certain choices. While the main story progresses consistently, side content and opportunities are subject to the player’s desire.Carefully navigate this troubled life and reach a satisfying end to this unexpected journey.

Lexi is back!
A few notes before you download.
1. We were planning on 25 animations, but cut that to 22 due to quality issues with 3 of them. The good thing is that they were all 3 very minor animations.
2. Some of the animations ended up as movie files to help with load times. However most of them are coded animations that play as an image series at 30 – 60 fps. We did this to preserve quality. The trade of is load times. Depending on the speed of your machine you may have to give each animation a couple seconds to load. Let us know what your experience is with this. If it becomes a problem we’ll start making two version, one with high quality animations made from image series, and one with movie files that may not have as good of quality, but loads faster.
3. Please don’t use saves from v0.03 or before. I went back and added flags to every choice so that the game keeps track of them no matter how small the choice was. This will help with future updates.
4. We removed the old points screen that listed all the points. I never liked the way it looked anyway. I replaced it with a character screen for each character. This screen shows their general information, relationship status, and recent thoughts.
5. The GUI was redesigned.
That’s it. We hope you like this update, and we’re excited to be back.

Ported to Android

Install Steps:
Download the desired APK file below and tap on it to install it on your device.

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