Le Face Keyboard ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ v1.7.7 (Pro) APK

⁍ Type with Lenny Faces, Dongers, Copypasta, etc.
⁍ Switch back to any keyboard.
Title: Le Face Keyboard ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Genre: Productivity
Developer: Raj Agrawal

⁍ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) 

⁍ A super simple emoticons-only-keyboard with 16 categories of pre-defined text emotes/ unicode memes/ faces.

⁍ Build your own by adding emotes (dongers, lenny faces, kaomoji faces e.t.c) and use them from the keyboard!

⁍ Easy Clipboard: If you’d like to keep it simple, then you can also use the app to copy-paste emotes/ unicode memes instead. Go to any of the EDIT pages, tap and copy to the clipboard! You get a huge range of collection to play with.

⁍ Le Favorites: A special section to shortlist and dump all emoticons, custom emoticons, a chain of emotes, custom messages, Unicode memes, text faces, favorites and copypasta and use them right from the keyboard! You can favorite keys long-pressing a key OR collect more from the internet!

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⁍ Le Floating Switch (For devices up-to Android Nougat): A draggable (and customisable) floating switch that stays on top of your device to help you quickly switch between any of the active keyboards!

⁍ Backup and restore your entire collection on Google Drive.

Reach me on uberfables@gmail.com for any issues, queries, requests or bug reports!




– A crash that is encountered in the settings page.
– A crash that is encountered while using Le Floating Switch.


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