Lawnchair Launcher (Unreleased) v2.0-1933-ci-alpha (Mod) APK

No clever tagline needed.
Title: Lawnchair Launcher
Genre: Personalization
Developer: deletescape

Lawnchair, bringing Pixel Features to the masses. An open-source project developed by volunteers, Lawnchair has quickly become the de-facto choice for Android enthusiasts everywhere. New features are being added regularly… with the promise that Lawnchair will always be FREE and open-source.

Download now, and become a part of the Android homescreen REVOLUTION that is Lawnchair!

 • Google Now integration (Requires the Lawnfeed add-on app)
 • Android Oreo shortcuts and notification dots
 • Icon Pack support
 • Variable Icon Size
 • Custom Grid Size
 • Dock Customization
 • Adaptive Icons (For Nougat & above)
 • BLUUUUUR (Optional Blurry UI for pretty much everything)
 • And much more!

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For support, tag us on Twitter (@lawnchairapp), ask around in the Telegram Group (, or post your question in the G+ Community (

Additionally, it requires Lawnfeed to enable Google Now:

This app uses the Device Administrator permission for optional screen lock functionality.



Final last feature update for Lawnchair v1, beta for v2 starting soon!

Changelog since last release:
– Double tap to sleep gesture added (DT2S)
– Add toggle for shortcuts on Oreo and higher
– Shortcut blacklist (block apps from creating shortcuts)
– Fix crash when no calendar app installed
– Allow experimental backport of app shortcuts


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