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King of the Mountain v2.6 (Paid) APK

Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients
Title: King of the Mountain
Genre: Racing
Developer: Dwayne Blundell

***Restart Device After Installation***

Title Theme from Jason Shaw at

Stay on the track, complete clean laps, earn crowns, unlock cars.

Work your way up the mountain to drive a v8 supercar.

lower graphical settings for better framerates and physics stability.

Email for further suggestions.


2rF iei7WdXYtOOpbTUmGOqds j8rkASy5pFaJCg B4fcymh6OjtHvsHOGMZVBNkI 3Jk5I6zH8gpyxKbBGQDEAsECzN3CfG 3JrhyEjvoSiM03F n9uLXVHgwKR7honqoaIRyXllrMpMAwYs05eElwvmYxnVM9pT


All code updated to c#
changed scripting backend to il2cpp
30fps cap in garage and car select screen
updated to newest version of the game engine
changed tyre friction values, some cars will be slower/faster
traction control disabled at lower speeds allowing better starts for the turbo cars
