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KeepTrack v6.1.9 (Pro) APK

Achieve your goals by tracking and monitoring various details of your life!
Title: KeepTrack
Genre: Productivity
Developer: Zagalaga

Many aspects of our lives can be quantified into parameters, our weight, medicine intake and sport activities among others. Tracking such parameters can be key to awareness, improvement over time and reaching your goals. This is why we have created KeepTrack, KeepTrack allows you to log values over time and then view them in a multitude of graphs, statistics and aggregations.

*** Product highlights ***

– Define your own parameters, choose from a variety of data types: numbers, time durations, yes/no, sets of fixed values and more.
– Beautiful and intuitive, using the new material design language.
– KeepTrack Dashboard lets you view your current state from one screen.
– Never miss a log entry with KeepTrack’s reminders.
– Analyze your data via line graphs, pie charts, calendar view, statistics and more.
– Define your goals for each parameter. (*)
– Easily aggregate log entries for viewing daily/weekly/monthly data.
– Cloud storage keeps your data safe and synchronized among all your devices. (*)
– Share your parameters with other users. (*)
– Add widgets to your home screen for quick access and info. (*)
– Backup, restore and export your data.

(*) Requires in-app purchase


IqEEgEsWX cesRfEDVWNCBWedFszV1zt1b nQP9hT njehsMll3kZqU7MkwaIBHwfA2wIO6Li19iicSSo4mpLuQFehnAkmhs1SOQuTlFs1EWBuQkrO1Fg73oSmgMDJNNY QoJk4jG0MjYBfJjjJKCIX4h7mm8t78PaZLv5WfbSa3B 6oOJrxvP4seQFvysw f6rWak

Gameplay / Trailer


Bug fixes
