Inker v0.10.25 (Unlocked) APK

Vector graphics editor
Title: Inker
Genre: Photography
Developer: Aliaksandr Shutau

Inker is a vector graphics editor designed to simplify sketch inking, logotype, comics, tribal or any other digital drawing. Images created with Inker can be exported to SVG and EPS and used anywhere in the web or imported into popular desktop graphics editors for creating AI or CDR files.
You are recommended to use a stylus and a tablet with screen size comfortable for drawing (at least 7”). If you feel uncomfortable with your device, try the desktop app version.

– Dear Android 4.4 users, you will not be able to export PNG. Update your OS up to Android 5.0 or newer. As a workaround open your INK drawing in web or desktop app version and export there.

– Dear MIUI (Xiaomi) users, your OS has some problems with saving files. Go to Settings – Installed apps – Documents – Enable.

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– Try to save and open files before starting a serious project, there can be a device-specific problem when saving a file.

– Cannot draw anything? Finish color setup or click Undo and then Redo.

– You can import SVG shapes like paths, circles etc., but you cannot import clip-paths, masks, filters etc. Do not import large files.

– For setting a stroke color: select a shape, then tap and hold a color.

– Drawing a hole: join two shapes with different direction (clockwise vs anticlockwise).

Good luck!



0.10.25: Snap to pixels.
0.10.24: Image auto-trace.
0.10.23: Back button makes Undo.

0.10.16: Hex color input.

0.10.14: In-place rulers.
0.10.13: Export EPS.


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