House Of Chavez [v1.0.3 – COMPLETED]

Prepare to immerse yourself in the enigmatic tale of House of Chavez, a captivating psychological thriller visual novel. This gripping narrative intertwines various minigames, a touch of romance, and a compelling mystery waiting to be unraveled.
Take on the role of Adriana, a twenty-one-year-old Texan grappling with the recent loss of her mother. Accompanied by her brother Bruno, they embark on a journey to Europe to explore the house they inherited from their grandmother, Maria Chavez.

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Thread Updated: 2024-06-24
Release Date: 2024-04-30
Developer: Winter Wolves – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0.3
OS: Android
Language: English

– the “exit map button” will now appear on the map screen only if you invoked the map yourself, to avoid side-effect like triggering same scenes twice and so on
– hints on how to start the fire might appear again on day 2, in the morning, fixed

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