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Home Run High v1.2.2 (Paid) APK

Train your baseball players
and create a winning team!
Title: Home Run High
Genre: Sports
Developer: Kairosoft Co.,Ltd

Can you lead your high school baseball team to ultimate victory? It might be a small after-school club now, but with the right training, even the sky isn’t the limit for this team!

Train players by assigning them practice drills. You choose what they need to focus on, such as batting or pitching.

Install batting cages, showers, or other facilities to make life better for the team. A good environment makes for more effective training! School life is not all about sports, though. Studying is just as important, so make sure to construct educational facilities to upgrade the school.

House students in a dorm and they’ll have more time for both studying and baseball practice! Pick your best players for the team and test their skill at tournaments.

*This game only supports landscape mode.

* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.
* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power your device down and relaunch the game.


a72e4 0mxtfTy MMTtGHu7sqCkZYNfXKpygmKMDwSYqTePlcA96RncSx5 fsQLjEg1wzg vmZTjKyLFrCGCypgryJkhCIouIhkYiUUqCDX8hqYoeJV0XYUk6s ryp7h HFjVCgYQpnZTl9ALJC914k055pnarzEi IXhXIUYDuzaoplyuPpXxmdrVfvPzxSd3D6vWvsu IhyEN o6JEJBNk2CxqvoGl7sYTGkzsruV1keVmowqTW2bTVbTzgZQ4YZdx l5Z8xNHD hs0ytiYc


Now available in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Korean!
