The story begins as the MC arrives at his aunt’s house in America,
on a Planet where everyone is consenting all the time and everywhere,
where he recently moved in from Japan, where his family lives at the moment.
He lives with his aunt and his both cousins, while his uncle is on a business trip.โ
The story begins as the MC arrives at his aunt’s house in America,
on a Planet where everyone is consenting all the time and everywhere,
where he recently moved in from Japan, where his family lives at the moment.
He lives with his aunt and his both cousins, while his uncle is on a business trip.โ
Thread Updated: 2023-05-16
Release Date: 2023-04-27
Developer: Kyuso – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.21.0
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Language: English
Added Naomi living room H-Scene;
Improved previous scenes;
Improved event handling;
Fixed bugs.