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Fractions Calculator – detailed solution available v2.9 (Pro) APK

?? Fraction calculator with detailed solution. Perfect fraction problem solver
Title: Fractions Calculator – detailed solution available
Genre: Education
Developer: UUCMobile

Best and free offline fraction calculator ✌, supporting also decimals, percentages, and parentheses that shows a detailed solution for all calculations. ?

At school ? or home ? need to solve simple or complex math fraction problems, convert fractions into decimals, or decimals into fractions? – this fraction calculator will do it ✅ and will show how it was done ?

Perfect for students, parents, teachers, and woodworkers to solve or verify fraction everyday problems.

Features of this fraction calculator free app ➕ ➖ ❌ ➗

? Supports combining decimal and fractional numbers. Automatically reduces fraction result to its simplest form.

? Converts fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions. Calculated result is displayed using fractions. Equivalent value in decimals is also available.

? Shows a detailed solution, step by step for all fraction problems and calculations.

? History of previous calculations is available.

? Besides basic math operations such as add, subtract, multiply and divide; fraction calculator allows calculating percentages for fractions.

? Triple keypad available

? Works with big numbers. No limits ?

We have made this fraction calculator app available in multiple colors ? for you!

Fraction calculator with the solution for free
© UUCMobile, 2019


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Gameplay / Trailer


* Reduced app size
* Bug fixes
