File Viewer for Android 3.0.2 [Mod Ad Free] APK

A universal file viewer and file manager that opens over 100 file types
Title: File Viewer for Android
Genre: Tools
Developer: Sharpened Productions

Version 3.0 is here! File Viewer for Android now supports viewing office documents (.doc, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx) and XPS documents (.xps, .oxps) and includes an all-new document viewer.

File Viewer for Android is a universal file viewer that supports over 100 file types, including PDFs, office documents, email files, audio and video files, images, camera raw photos, archives, and more. In addition to viewing files, you can browse and manage files on your Android device and view file metadata.


โ€“ Open over 100 different file formats with a single app (everything / all formats in one app!)
โ€“ Browse, search, and manage files with the built-in file manager and file explorer
โ€“ View file metadata, MD5 checksums, and EXIF data
โ€“ Extract archives, including Zip, 7-Zip, Gzip, Bzip2, Tar, and TGZ
โ€“ DOCX reader, DOC file opener, DOC and DOCX to PDF converter, PPTX viewer, PPTX to PDF converter
โ€“ XPS file viewer, OXPS reader, XPS to PDF converter
โ€“ PDF viewer, JPG file viewer, TIFF file viewer, SVG viewer, Raw photo file viewer, and more

Supported File Types:


โ€“ PDF Document (.pdf)
โ€“ Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx)
โ€“ Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx)
โ€“ Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx) *print preview only
โ€“ EPUB eBook (.epub) *DRM-protected eBooks not supported
โ€“ XML Paper Specification (.xps)
โ€“ Open XPS (.oxps)


โ€“ Email Message (.eml, .emlx)
โ€“ Outlook Message (.msg, .oft)
โ€“ Outlook Email Attachment (winmail.dat)


โ€“ AAC (.aac)
โ€“ FLAC (.flac)
โ€“ MPEG-4 (.m4a)
โ€“ Matroska (.mka)
โ€“ MP3 (.mp3)
โ€“ Ogg Vorbis (.ogg)
โ€“ Wave (.wav)
โ€“ Other: .imy, .mid, .midi, .ota

* Note: Some video codecs may not be supported

โ€“ 3GP Video (.3gp)
โ€“ Matroska Video (.mkv)
โ€“ MPEG-4 Video (.mp4)
โ€“ Transport Stream Video (.ts)
โ€“ WebM Video (.webm)


โ€“ 7-zip (.7z)
โ€“ Bzip2 (.bz2)
โ€“ Comic Book Zip (.cbz)
โ€“ Bzip2 TAR (.tbz2, .tar.bz2)
โ€“ Gzip (.gz)
โ€“ JAR (.jar)
โ€“ TAR (.tar)
โ€“ TGZ (.tgz, .tar.gz)
โ€“ Z Compressed (.z)
โ€“ Zip (.zip)

Camera Raws
* Note: Some camera models may not be supported

โ€“ Sony Raw (.arw)
โ€“ Casio Raw (.bay)
โ€“ Canon Raw (.cr2)
โ€“ Canon Raw (.crw)
โ€“ Kodak Raw (.dcr)
โ€“ Digital Negative Image (.dng)
โ€“ Epson Raw (.erf)
โ€“ Kodak Raw (.kdc)
โ€“ Leaf Raw (.mos)
โ€“ Mamiya Raw (.mrw)
โ€“ Nikon Raw (.nef)
โ€“ Nikon Raw (.nrw)
โ€“ Olympus Raw (.orf)
โ€“ Pentax Raw (.pef)
โ€“ Fuji Raw (.raf)
โ€“ Camera Raw (.raw)
โ€“ Panasonic Raw (.rw2)
โ€“ Leica Raw (.rwl)
โ€“ Sony Raw (.sr2)
โ€“ Sony Raw (.srf)
โ€“ Samsung Raw (.srw)
โ€“ SIGMA Raw (.x3f)

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โ€“ Bitmap Image (.bmp)
โ€“ DirectDraw Surface (.dds)
โ€“ GIF Image (.gif)
โ€“ High Efficiency File Format (.heic, .heif) โ€“ Android 9+ only
โ€“ Icon File (.ico)
โ€“ JPEG Network Graphic (.jng)
โ€“ JPEG 2000 Image (.jp2)
โ€“ JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg)
โ€“ OpenEXR (.exr)
โ€“ Kodak Photo CD (.pcd)
โ€“ PNG Image (.png)
โ€“ Photoshop Document (.psd)
โ€“ Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
โ€“ Targa Image (.tga, .targa)
โ€“ TIFF Image (.tif, .tiff)
โ€“ WebP Image (.webp)
โ€“ Other: .iff, .mng, .pbm, .pcx, .pfm, .pgm, .ppm, .ras, .sgi, .wbmp, .xbm, .xpm


โ€“ Configuration File (.cfg, .conf)
โ€“ Text File (.txt)


โ€“ HTML (.htm, .html, .xhtml)

Source Code
* View with syntax highlighting

Supported languages: Ada (.ada), AutoHotkey (.ahk), ActionScript (.as), BASIC (.bas), C/C++ (.c, .cpp, .h), Coffee (.coffee), C# (.cs), CSS (.css), Dart (.dart), Gradle (.gradle), Groovy (.groovy), Haml (.haml), HTACCESS (.htaccess), Windows INI (.ini), Java (.java), JavaScript (.js), JSON (.json), Kotlin (.kt), Less (.less), Lisp (.lisp) Lua (.lua), Objective-C (.m), Makefile (.mk), Markdown (.md), Nim (.nim), NSIS (.nsi), Pascal (.pas), PHP (.php), Perl (.pl), Java Properties (.properties), PowerShell (.ps1), Python (.py), R Script (.r), Ruby (.rb), Sass (.sass, .scss), Bash (.sh), SQL (.sql), Swift (.swift), Tcl (.tcl), Visual Basic (.vb), XML (.xml), XQuery (.xq, .xquery), YAML (.yaml, .yml)

Android File Viewer is brought to you by, an online database containing information about thousands of different file types.



3.0.2 Update
โ€“ Updated source code viewer with new languages
โ€“ Many bug fixes

Version 3.0 is here!
โ€“ Added support for additional file formats (view-only):
โ€“ Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
โ€“ Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
โ€“ Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
โ€“ XML Paper Specification XPS (.xps, .oxps)
โ€“ Comic Book Zip (.cbz)
โ€“ Added file search
โ€“ Added convert documents to PDF
โ€“ Added large thumbnail view mode
โ€“ Improved home view with file type search locations
โ€“ Improved PDF viewer


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