ES File Explorer File Manager Pro v1.1.4.1 + v4. MOD [Latest]

ES File Explorer File Manager

ES File Explorer is a free, full-featured file and application manager.
It functions as all of these apps in one: file manager, application manager, task killer, download manager, cloud storage client (compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive,, Sugarsync, Yandex, Amazon S3, and Ubuntu One…), FTP client, and LAN Samba client.

ES File Explorer allows Android users, no matter where they are, to manage their resources freely. You can access all of your files from your mobile device and share them with others. This app makes it easy to stay connected over 3G, 4G, EDGE, or Wi-Fi to share with friends, upload photos, and watch videos.

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Mod Info:

  • Ads Removed
  • Sponsored banner layout removed
  • All ads calls from activity removed
  • All ads banner layout in tablet mode removed
  • Native admob ads banner layout removed
  • Lockscreen ads resized to 0
  • Real Time Monitor unlocked
  • Theme Chooser unlocked
  • System hidden files unlocked
  • Forced startup ads page disabled
  • Gift icon removed from Es Swipe
  • Analytics disabled



ES File Explorer Pro v1.1.4.1 MOD / Mirror

ES File Explorer Pro v1.1.4 MOD / Mirror

ES File Explorer File Manager v4. MOD / Mirror

ES File Explorer File Manager v4. MOD / Mirror

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