story revolves around Asahi, a young student who tragically loses his mother and father in a car accident and must move back to his hometown from bustling Tokyo. There, he finds solace in Kanae, the dear friend of his late mother. Kanae’s warm embrace is not the only surprise waiting for him; her spirited daughter Kotone adds an adorable touch with her tsundere personality. But that’s just the beginning. The narrative introduces a cast of intriguing characters, from Fuka, a passionate gamer who prioritizes her virtual world over school, to Hiroshi, a childhood friend who becomes Asahi’s pillar of support.
Thread Updated: 2023-11-10
Release Date: 2023-11-10
Developer: Yumeiro Studio Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0 – Reworked
OS: Android
Language: English
v1.0 – Reworked
- New CGs Fuka gaming
- New CGs Fuka blowjob
- New CGs Fuka cowgirl
- New Cgs Fuka breasts show
- New CGs Fuka kissing
- New CGs with Sonata under the table
- New CGs with Sonata in the classroom
- New CGs with Miyoko blowjob
- New CGs with Miyoko groping
- Edited CGs reading with Fuka
- Edited CGs missionary Fuka
- New sprite for Miyoko
- New sprite for Satori
- New sprite for Najimi
- Monika’s skin removed for Najimi
- New sprite for Kotone
- Adjustments to the store location
- Adjustments to the second-floor house location
- Adjustments to the story
- Bug fixes in the free version