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EBPocket Professional v1.46.4 | [APK]

EBPocket Professional v1.46.4
Requirements: 4.2+
Overview: EBPocket is EPWING electronic dictionary viewer. All the search methods like a prefix search, a suffix search, an exact search, conditional search, a graphic search, and the compound search, etc. can be used.
EBPocket does not have a built-in dictionary. Please prepare a dictionary yourself.

EBPocket is EPWING electronic dictionary viewer. All the search methods like a prefix search, a suffix search, an exact search, conditional search, a graphic search, and the compound search, etc. can be used.
EBPocket does not have a built-in dictionary. Please prepare a dictionary yourself.

What’s New:
– Support .dsl, dictionary(ABBYY Lingvo format)
– bundling EDICT2

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