Easy Fire Tools v1.1.4

Easy Fire Tools v1.1.4
Requirements: Android 4.4+
Overview: With this app it becomes an easy task to install (sideload) apps on Amazons FireTv, Firestick, Firecube right from your phone / tablet. And take screenshots


With this app it becomes an easy task to install (sideload) apps on Amazons FireTv, Firestick, Firecube right from your phone / tablet. And take screenshots

– Install (sideload) apps on FireTV
– Push, pull, delete, rename files and folders
– Uninstall apps from FireTv
– Download / install / update Kodi Media Center / SPMC
– Search for FireTV’s in your network
– Create Screenshots
– Create and transfer advanced settings for Kodi Media Center / SPMC
– Close apps in FireTv
– Reboot FireTv
– Supports all Amazon FireTv’s

Quick start guide
1. You need to have [ADB debugging] & [Apps from unknown sources] activated on your FireTV (located in [Settings] – [System] – [Developer options])

2. Make sure the phone / tablet is in the same Wi-Fi network as the Amazon FireTv is.

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3. It is necessary that the IP address of the FireTv is specified in the app settings. The ip address of your FireTv can be found in [Settings] – [Network] – [System] – [Info].

4. Connect through the connection symbol in the upper range of the app

5. If the connection was successful the features of this app can be used

What’s New:
VERSION 1.1.4 June 18, 2020
-Android 10 support
-SPMC support removed as development has been stopped
-Added nightly builds to media center downloader
-Added video record functionality
-Fix: standby/wakeup button not working
-Fix: folders with white space not working on nvidia shield
-small design changes

Tested on 2 Tablets & 6,7 & 8 Phones
Go to settings in menu top left & scroll down & enter exact same IP as fire device

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Code: Select allhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.agondev.easyfiretools

Download Instructions: [Request]

http://fs13.uploadrar.com:182/d/nxs7jut … _1.1.4.apk

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