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Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts v8.12.25 [Paid] APK [Latest]

Earthquake Network Pro

Earthquake Network Pro

Earthquake Network is the most comprehensive app on earthquakes and the only working app with real time alerts.

– Real time detection of earthquakes using networks of smartphones (only strong earthquakes)
– Earthquake warning seconds in advance (for people living not too close to the epicentre)
– User’s reports on felt earthquakes
– Automatic e-mails and SMS with your coordinates sent when an earthquake is detected in real time
– Earthquake data from national and international seismic networks
– Chatrooms for exchanging info during an earthquake emergency
– Earthquake notifications through voice synthesizer (only PRO version)
– Earthquake warning in case of vibrations detected by your smartphone (only PRO version)


Xmas bonus! Merry Christmas to all the participants of the Earthquake Network project!


Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts v8.12.25 [Paid] APK (7.4 MB) / Mirror

Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts v8.11.14 [Paid] APK / Mirror

Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts v8.11.11 [Paid] APK / Mirror