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Data Usage Monitor Premium v1.15.1533 Cracked APK [Latest]

data usage monitor premium v1 15 1533 cracked apk latest

Data Usage Monitor

Data monitor is mobile data monitoring app. Automatically measured traffic Wifi and mobile. Measured data, it appears easy to see.

Data monitor is mobile data monitoring app.
Automatically measured traffic Wifi and mobile.
Measured data, it appears easy to see.

・Easy to use. after the first launch, record the mobile data automatically.
・Statistics display is simple. My data is easy to understand.
・Record the mobile data in the app-specific. Can find an app large traffic.
・Baud rate display function. Show the baud rate in the upper right corner of the screen.
・Small battery consumption.


Ver 1.15.1533
– Fixed bug that can not be measured with device without sim.
– Other fixes


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Data Usage Monitor Premium v1.15.1533 Cracked APK [5.8 MB] / Mirror / Mirror

Data Usage Monitor Premium v1.15.1512 Cracked APK [5.5 MB] / Mirror / Mirror