Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android N & v17.0 [P] APK [Latest]

Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android
Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android N & v17.0 [P] APK [Latest]

This Substratum theme is for Aosp 6.x/7.x Custom roms with OMS. !!NOT FOR ANDROID 5.x!!
!!!No Legacy Support!!! Use at your own risk on stock roms!
Telegram group for help and questions โ€“ย https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAAnUgM1qiCgIJAkz3g

Build your own dark look with 12 Accent colors, tons of Primary, Background and card color choices.


โ€“ SystemUI
โ€“ Framework
โ€“ Aosp Dialer
โ€“ Google Dialer (ThemeReady Aroma)
โ€“ Aosp Contacts
โ€“ Google Contacts (Theme Ready Aroma)
โ€“ Action Launcher 3
โ€“ Play Store
โ€“ DocumentsUI
โ€“ Aosp Calculator
โ€“ Play Services
โ€“ Google+ (Theme Ready)
โ€“ Hangouts (Theme Ready)
โ€“ Gmail (Theme Ready)
โ€“ Google App including GA (Theme Ready)
โ€“ AOSP and Google keyboards
โ€“ Launcher 3
โ€“ Package Installer
โ€“ Notification drawer
โ€“ and many more apps!!
โ€“ Wallpapers

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โ€“ Icon Pack Generator support โ€“ย https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spada.iconpackgenerator

โ€“ Please flash Theme Ready Apps by daveyannihilation, djdarkknight96 and
Train88 โ€“ย http://forum.xda-developers.com/androidย โ€ฆ e-t3113192

โ€“ Substratum G+ community โ€“ย https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102261717366580091389

Enjoy and please feel free to email or contact me on Hangouts @ย [emailย protected]ย if you see anything missing or if you have any questionsย ;-)


โ€“ Update YouTube to latest
โ€“ Updated GM and GV to latest
โ€“ Added latest G App


Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android N & v17.0 [P] APK / Mirror

Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android N & O v15.4 [P] APK / Mirror

Dark Infusion Substratum Theme for Android N & O v15.0 [P] APK / Mirror

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