Championat v4.5.1 (AdFree) APK

Championat — soccer, hockey, tennis, basketball, boxing, motorsports and other
Title: Championat
Genre: Sports
Developer: Rambler&Co

— Leading Russian digital sports publication “Championat” is the new official app
— Every day, more than 500 news about football, hockey, tennis, basketball, boxing, motorsports and other – popular sports.
— Interviews with athletes and experts, articles, critiques matches.
— Comment on news and interesting matches of their favorite teams in a mobile application.
— Ability to select your favorite team and follow its progress in your personal feed.
— Ability to choose the top athletes and follow their news in a personal tape.
— Complete statistics for football, hockey tournaments.
— Text translation matches.

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– Fixed a bug with auto-update comments after locking the device;
– Corrected the authorization in the application through the social network Vkontakte;
– Fixed a flashing error during authorization;
– Fixed a bug with the removal of the team / player from the fan zone;
– Improved user interface interaction


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