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BRAINAURAL binaural brain therapy v1.0.8 APK

Professional Binaural Beats programs to increase focus, relax, kill pain & more
Title: BRAINAURAL ? binaural brain therapy
Genre: Health_and_fitness
Developer: ?

This professional Binaural Beats app can help put your brain into various states by stimulating the cortex with differential frequencies of sound in the left and right ear. We use 2 slightly different frequencies of sound in each ear, mixed with special types of noise. The difference in the tones produces a pulsing sensation in the brain, which stimulates brain waves of the same frequency. Choosing the right pulse frequency can promote relaxation, pain relief, increased focus, or a number of different effects.

For best results, listen with headphones and read the introduction notes about each therapy. More therapy programs will be added over time, as we research more into the magical effects of Binaural Beats ?


7Eyrc9 co49mrAHNNcLAunUO9WKu ncK7I7gJX0iCShH5brY1Ppf1Kg rUNtIDm KqNkKSmaHViC8b4uoPPaHuOjp nErYDuka47k o9dZJ7Ign u6zq6HzJPwgoTtjMJzs9Df3T bjP1zoUJQ EIZdG6b3Oew12lHSsNlXyq2e2clurRot4otmGQH3


Lucid dreaming program added!
