In the quiet, unassuming town of Silverbrook, a lonely student struggles to find his place in the world. When a mysterious new girl, Serana, enters his life, everything changes. A chance meeting sparks a connectionโbut also sets in motion a series of events that will alter his life forever.
As shadows deepen and secrets unravel, heโll be forced to confront the truth about himself and the strange forces that surround him. Will he find strength in the darkness, or lose himself to it entirely?
Step into a gripping tale of mystery, transformation, and forbidden bonds. In Silverbrook, nothing is as it seemsโand nothing will ever be the same.โ
In the quiet, unassuming town of Silverbrook, a lonely student struggles to find his place in the world. When a mysterious new girl, Serana, enters his life, everything changes. A chance meeting sparks a connectionโbut also sets in motion a series of events that will alter his life forever.
As shadows deepen and secrets unravel, heโll be forced to confront the truth about himself and the strange forces that surround him. Will he find strength in the darkness, or lose himself to it entirely?
Step into a gripping tale of mystery, transformation, and forbidden bonds. In Silverbrook, nothing is as it seemsโand nothing will ever be the same.โ
Thread Updated: 2024-12-09
Release Date: 2024-12-09
Developer: PerssonTM – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.1
OS: Android
Language: English
Episode 2 release.
The teacher lewd scene has been removed, i recommend loading a save before the computer class scene. Otherwise you will likely be confused and you will miss out on affection points.