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Blackmoor 2 Mod APK v11.4 (Gold Coins)

Blackmoor 2 Mod APK v11.4 (Gold Coins)

Battle Solo or Co-Op with Friends! Fists, Swords and Magic. Finish the Quest.

Blackmoor 2: Action Platformer Apk info

Blackmoor 2 Mod APK Game The Traitor King is an action and platform RPG set in a medieval fantasy world where, by controlling up to eight different characters, players must defend their kingdom against a classic invasion of orcs, dragons, skeletons and demons.

The storyline in Blackmoor 2 The Traitor King is nothing special, as it has everything you could possibly want from a fantasy adventure game full of wizards, savages and evil forces, although it has enough twists and mysteries to keep players interested up until the last moment. It is the playable aspect where this game really stands out from practically every other game in the fantasy genre, and it’s due to the perfect combination of graphics, controls and design of levels.

When you start your Blackmoor 2 The Traitor King adventure, you can choose up to eight different characters, each one with their own set of moves and special abilities. With each character, you can move forward or backward with the joystick, attack and shield yourself, although throughout your journey you can unlock new moves and special attacks that you can upgrade by using the money you earn at the end of each mission.

The number of enemies and bosses in Blackmoor 2 Mod APK The Traitor King is enormous and more than once their difficulty level will stop you in your tracks, and so you can join forces with up to three friends online to overcome the most difficult challenges

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