Biohazard Substratum Theme v4.2901 [Patched] APK [Latest]

Biohazard Substratum Theme v4.2901 [Patched] APK [Latest]



Biohazard Substratum Theme

Biohazard Substratum Theme

Unique and elegant dark theme with aesthetic black and red accent design.
You need to install Substratum theme engine app to use this theme

OMS & RRO This theme works on rom with full Substratum OMS support and also work with stock rom with legacy RRO support (such as LineageOS).
*RRO requires Root

Easy to apply Thereโ€™s no complicated option here, just select the framework (android) option accordingly to your theme platform (OMS or RRO).

ThemeReady Gapps is not required With all respect to TBO team, this theme works with stock Google Apps.

Lots of overlays Currently themed apps are: Android Framework, Browser, Calculator, Camera, Calendar AOSP, CellBroadcast, Chrome, Contacts, cLock, DeskClock, Dialer, DocumentsUI / Files, Development, DU About, Gallery, Gmail, Google App, Google Contacts, Google Clock, Google Dialer, Google Drive, Google Hangout, Google Keep, Google Messenger, Google Photos, Google PlayStore, Google PlayConsole, Google Play Services, Google Plus, Google Wallpaper, Inbox, Keyboard aosp, Launcher3, OmniClock, Settings, Substratum, SuperSU, superuser, SystemUI, SystemUI NavBar, SystemUI StatusBar, Telecom, WhatsApp(Stable version only) and more.

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Bug Reports or Suggestion Please donโ€™t use the review section to report bugs or suggestion, feel free to contact me via email (link available at developer e-mail) or telegram @pierera for faster response, with detailed message and if possible with screenshots and a log file if want to report bugs. If you have any further question, donโ€™t hesitate to contact me.

New Telegram group for support.

For further information regarding the Substratum, please check the Substratum community


โ€ข Added Google Translate
โ€ข Added Google Duo
โ€ข Added Pixel Launcher
โ€ข Added Trebuchet Launcher
โ€ข Added Magisk (Enable Dark Mode)
โ€ข Fixes AOSP Messaging navBar
โ€ข Fixes SystemUI navBar on Light
โ€ข Fixes Google Messaging 3.6 (Enable Dark Mode)
โ€ข Fixes Google Calculator 7.5
โ€ข Fixes Google Contact 3.0.7
โ€ข Fixes Google Dialer v24
โ€ข Fixes Dialog
โ€ข Fixes ROM icons settings
โ€ข Fixes WellBeing
โ€ข Fixes Gmail 8.9.9



  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
  • Biohazard Substratum Theme Screenshot
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Biohazard Substratum Theme v4.2901 [Patched] APK / Mirror

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