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Back Door Connection [Ch. 3.0]

James is a young hacker who tries to keep his sanity while dealing with his sisters’ extravagances and his mother’s obsession with social status. Sometimes, being the man of the house can be a challenging task.
But there’s another side to James, a secret life. Alongside his hacker friends, Victoria and Alex, they work hard to assist people using their skills and, simultaneously, uncover concealed truths in a world dominated by codes and lies.
James’ two lives collide when secrets from the present and past start to unravel, leading to dark paths and decisions that will test his hacker ethics and moral values. Amid strange familiar happenings and dangerous events in the virtual world,
James must balance both sides while facing challenges and threats that arise not only in the virtual realm but also in the real world!​

Thread Updated: 2024-04-01
Release Date: 2024-03-14
Developer: Doux – Patreon 
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 3.0
OS: Android
Language: English

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