AppKiller: close apps v4.0.3 [Premium] [Mod]

AppKiller: close apps v4.0.3 [Premium] [Mod]
Requirements: 8.0+
Overview: App Killer will help you to close running apps by force stopping them.

AppKiller: close apps v4.0.3 [Premium] [Mod] Image

App Killer will help you to close running apps by force stopping them.

✓ Force stop apps manually or automatically
✓ Whitelist
✓ History
✓ Modern user interface
✓ Dynamic color and dark mode
✓ Floating dock

AppKiller uses the Accessibility Service API:
This app uses Accessibility Service API to automate the force stop functionality.
No data will be collected or shared from this service.

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★ Premium / Paid features Unlocked
★ Ads methods nullified
★ Ads visibility disabled
★ .source attributes of the corresponding java files removed
★ All Debug code removed
➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages
➡ CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
➡ Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi
★ Released by derrin

What’s New:
✓ Fixed: bugs

This app has no advertisements

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