APKPure Mobile AppStore v3.19.02 build 3190217 [Final] [Mod]

APKPure Mobile AppStore v3.19.02 build 3190217 [Final] [Mod]
Requirements: 4.4+
Overview: The Best Mobile APK Downloader. APKPure (APK Downloader) App is officially released! With APKPure, you can instantly download and update region locked (not available in your country), pre-registered games and many other Apps on Android.

APKPure Mobile AppStore v3.19.02 build 3190217 [Final] [Mod]

APKPure (APK Downloader) App is officially released! With APKPure, you can instant download region locked (not available in your country), pre-registered games and many other apps on Android devices. Discover and install new games through APKPure App. You will never miss any updates from your favorite games by turning on APKPure notifications when new updates are available. From puzzles and card games to shooters and strategy RPG games, install APKPure today and start gaming with it.

1. A better place to download and update not available apps
Only APKPure free Android user from Google Play region lock to download not available apps apk, which you can not even find it in Play Store search results. Discover new Android games and experience exciting adventures with APKPure now.

2. Lightweight but More Powerful Android Appstore
APKPure App, is a collection of self-contained, easy to install app management tools for Android OS Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 to 6.0 Marshmallow, including: XAPK Installer, App&APK Management, APK Downloader and more. Try it now!

3. One-click install Free APK&XAPK Games and Apps
Install any free Android game .apk or .xapk files with a single click, and it will forever stay up to date. As soon as APKPure is installed, you’re ready to go.

4. Never using too much battery
APKPure App size is only 2.5MB. We believe the application should be as lightweight as possible. To keep your whole device running smoothly, small size APKPure App means long battery life and less storage space. APKPure is suited to take advantage of high performance devices as well as optimize for low-end devices. No flashy interactions, No unnecessary features.

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5. Customized Android in An Easier Way
APKPure makes it easier for you to download, update your favorite apps and games like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and many Launcher apps.

6. Features coming up next
We want to let you know that your feedback is really appreciated, so you are welcome to try APKPure App and share your thoughts in the comments or tell us on FB Page here: _https://facebook.com/apkpure

What’s New:
– Minor bug fixes and improvements

★★★ MOD ★★★

I made a mod for the extreme original version from APKPure itself. 

Renamed APKPure to APKPure Store. 

Removed ads, languages other than English, Russian and Ukrainian, removed dependence on Google services and BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE (USSD request management service). 

I also removed the choice of extra languages in the settings. 

Hid the list of extra regions. 

I made a partial translation into Russian (with a full translation, 

I found that the search system was breaking and the program was crashing). 

The undertranslation is very minor and does not affect the functionality of the program. 

Search is currently working on my two test androids. 

Blocked the application from accessing Tencent’s Chinese clouds. 

Partially, but not completely removed pop-up ads from the server itself (when completely removed, the application either crashes or freezes on a white screen). 

Advertising from the server occasionally still appears not so often, but it does appear, but at least it closes easily and does not drag the next advertisement along with it. 

The only thing that is noticeable so far is that the program is looking for updates longer, apparently from the fact that the connection with the server is almost completely cut off. 

And I also noticed that for some reason the server throws programs into updates that are not even installed.

Architectures: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a

This app has no advertisements

More Info:


Download Instructions: credit V.R.



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