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AnyList: Grocery Shopping List 1.15 (Premium) APK

APK Specifications
Requires Android 5.0+
Developer AnyList
Category Productivity Apps
Version 1.15 (Premium)
Size 46.2 MB
Added Date December 20, 2023
Ratings 4.6

APK Screenshots

APK Description

Made by Developer AnyList which requires 5.0+ with the Ratings of 4.6 and contains 46.2 MB.

APK Whats New

– To make it clear it won’t allow you to access AnyList on any Mac or PC, otherwise all Paid features are available. Of course Premium Support is also not included, had to mention

This app has no advertisements
AnyList v1.15 fixes an issue that could cause content to be cut off when printing and improves the layout of the full recipe screen on smaller tablets. Thank you for using AnyList and if you have any questions or suggestions for improving the app, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

APK Links


History of AnyList: Grocery Shopping List APK

  • v1.14 (Premium)
  • v1.13 (Premium)
  • v1.12.4 (Premium)
  • v1.12.3 (Premium)
  • v1.12.2 (Premium)