AdBlock for Samsung Internet v3.1.1

AdBlock for Samsung Internet v3.1.1
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free content blocker for the Samsung Internet browser, with over 50 million users across all platforms!

* Save battery life by only loading the content you care about
* Save money on monthly data usage
* Enjoy faster web page performance
* Built-in privacy protection with anti-tracking
* Custom language setting to block region-specific ads
* Free, responsive support

Frequently Asked Questions:

* Does AdBlock block all ads in all my apps?
AdBlock only blocks ads on websites you visit in the Samsung Internet browser.

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* Is AdBlock compatible with any other Android browsers?
Not yet! But you can get AdBlock for Chrome, Safari, or Opera on your desktop. Visit!

What’s New:
It’s been a while since the last update, but the new Adblock for Samsung Internet is already here!
Here’s what’s new:
New user interface. Same awesome ad blocker with a new super look.
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Mechanism to migrate all your data from version 2.5.0 to 3.1.1 so you don’t have to configure it again.

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Download Instructions:


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