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Money Manager (+PC Editing) v4.1.7 GP (Patched) APK

“Money Manager” is an optimized application for personal asset management.
Title: Money Manager (+PC Editing)
Genre: Finance
Developer: Realbyte Inc.

“Money Manager” is an optimized application for personal asset management.

※ PC manager function
You can view ‘“Money Manager” application using Wi-Fi. You can edit and sort the data by date, category or account group on the screen of your PC. In addition, you can see fluctuations in your accounts indicated on graphs on your PC.

※ Applying double entry bookkeeping
It facilitates efficient asset management. It does not just record your money coming in and out of your account but deposits your money into your account as soon as your income is input and draws money from your account as soon as your expense is input.

※ Budget management function
You can manage your budget. It shows your budget and expense by a graph so you can see the amount of your expense against your budget quickly.

※ Card / Debit Card management function
Entering a settlement date, you can see the payment amount and outstanding payment at the asset tab. You can arrange the automatic debit by simply connecting your debit card with your account.

※ Passcode
You can check passcode so you can safely manage your account book.

※ Transfer, direct debit and recurrence function
Transfer between assets is possible, which makes your asset management more efficient. In addition, you can manage your salary, insurance, term deposit, and loan more easily by setting automatic transfer and recurrence.

※ Instant statistics
Based on the data entered, you can instantly see your expense by category and changes between each month. And you can see the change in your assets and income/expense indicated by a graph as well.

※ Bookmark function
You can easily input your frequent expense all at once by bookmarking them.

※ Backup / Restore
You can make and view backup files in Excel file and backup/restore is possible.
Google Drive backup is supported.

※ Other functions
– Change of starting date
– Calculator function (Amount > upper right button)
– Sub Category ON-OFF function


OnETh72XlW11FK6akzeOesUNMzIMh6rqg5dJkQViXaeYF2sodbqmeneMstZ8j HkF 8eDs7WArOjWCgnYJdEmO9GZrt92UMsKWFaY0BJpAFbMUJTbZLE9eRk9ggvN9Qx okw t0Ek5kMvN9qazzv46qNVpgmsnj553W bfLxhG7kUeNfuUcNXqui8nmRYmd6 vkR42IXmxiWQLWitUTx ONiYL8FNAvqkYEyjJ5oljSYyaC


Memo feature has been added.
You could use the new memo feature on the Calendar.
Minor bug fixed.

Hidden account feature is added.
Sum feature for selected transactions is added.
Show Memo feature is added.
Calendar feature is improved.
Adaptive icon is applied.
(+) button is added in asset details view.

Bottom tab bar design has been improved.
Widget design has been improved.
The overall budget feature has been added.
Batch edit feature for installments has been added.
